
Fixing the sander

Peg & Doug and a dog, Niki, in later years, often visited us in P.E.I. We stayed at my cabin where Doug would set up their camper. There was always something to fix. One day I took out my Dad's old sander and was about to use it when Doug came along and told me that the cord on the sander was too frayed to use. I asked if he could change it. He wasn't sure that he wanted to tackle the job, but Off we went to "Home Hardware" to get what was needed. I decided that since he seemed reluctant to tackle the job that I would try. We were at the pump house. Doug sat on a chair just inside the door where he could reach the electrical plug. On the step I began to take the sander apart and little springs popped out is all directions. Doug looked amused but said nothing. I gathered up the springs and rewired the new cord. It took quite a long time for me to figure out where the springs fitted but finally had it back together. Feeling confident. The sander was sitting on the step when I asked Doug to plug it the electrical outlet. When he did the sander, of its own accord, flew off the step and down the field. Doug laughed so hard he cried. All that day and evening his shoulders would start shaking and he would suddenly burst out laughing. It is a fond memory that I will always have of Doug.